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Do you ship orders all cross the Pakistan?

Yes, we ship in almost all the cities of Pakistan using famous courier & logistic services of Pakistan.


How can I ensure the accuracy and authenticity of product?

Always read reviews, comments, warnings, and directions available on product detail page of Amazon.


What is the estimated delivery time for this product?

We do our best to deliver product in 3 to 4 weeks but there could be few special reasons which could make the shipment bit late.


Technical detail available on shoppingbag.pk is replacement of professional advice?

No, it's for reference only. Consult with right more technical person before to use.


What are the Best Shopping Store of USA to purchase blood pressure machine?

We try to buy from the best online shopping stores of USA e.g. Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc. to make sure authenticity of end product.


How can I identify potential health risks associated with a product?

If you not sure about anything just review warnings and consult professionals.


Do you offer returns & exchange?

We have no product exchange policy. Yes! If you get wrong product or if product not working properly, you can return it within 3 days of delivery.


Does this product come with a warranty?

To check this product warranty just visit the product amazon page.