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Frequently Asked Questions:

Is shoppingbag.pk is the most trustworthy website of imported products in Pakistan?

Yes we are in this business from last 10 years and have more than 200k customer from all over the Pakistan.


How can I ensure the accuracy and authenticity of product?

Always read reviews, comments, warnings, and directions available on product detail page of Amazon.


Do you offer returns & exchange?

We have no product exchange policy. Yes! If you get wrong product or if product not working properly, you can return it within 3 days of delivery.


How can I ensure the safety of using a product?

Consult with a professional and follow the instructions provided.


Can I call to place my order?

Yes you can call us at or WhatsApp us your requirements. One of our sales person try to do his/her best to find your exact match from Amazon, eBay, Walmart etc.


Can I place my order from outside of Pakistan?

Yes! you can do until or unless you can deposit 30% advance using one of our payment methods you can place order from anywhere of world.


How I will check the top reviews of led sport logo signs from the United States?

Just click at the “Top reviews from USA” under the product title or just click the following icon.


This will take you to the amazon product page where you can read the product reviews and other detail as well.


Does this product come with a warranty?

To check this product warranty just visit the product amazon page.