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Frequently Asked Questions:

Why cash on delivery (COD) option is not there in the payment methods?

Since we import products from USA, Canada or UK so we believe our buyers are very seriously and quality conscious people. We spent so much effort and time to bring the products from Western countries to Pakistan and there is no way to cancel or return the products. To make sure end user is serious we just take 30% advance and rest once you get your product at your door step.


Do you take orders over phone or WhatsApp?

Yes this is possible. We will recommend you to share your query or product detail (name, picture etc.) using our WhatsApp number because on WhatsApp sales person get time to find products as per your requirement.


Do you ship orders all cross the Pakistan?

Yes, we ship in almost all the cities of Pakistan using famous courier & logistic services of Pakistan.


How can I ensure the safety of using a product?

Consult with a professional and follow the instructions provided.


Who should I contact if I have concerns about a product's safety?

Contact with the vendor, manufacturer or a doctor.


What is the estimated delivery time for this product?

We do our best to deliver product in 3 to 4 weeks but there could be few special reasons which could make the shipment bit late.


What I need to make sure?

Just make sure the product you choose is technically fulfil your purpose because we will only refund in case of wrong product. If product technically not fulfil your propose then we can not do anything.


Are your products original?

Yes, you will get 100% original and authenticated products.