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Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I have technical questions?

We are not technical people, we just import products and share with you. In case of technical question either you can directly ask from vendor or we can post your question at your behalf. If we get any response we will share with your right away.


Why is it important to read product information carefully?

We are not technical people so before to order anything just make sure it is fulfilling your purpose. What manufacturers or vendor providing we have no idea.


How can I delete my account?

You don’t need to delete your account with us because we not sure anything about you with anyone or any agency.


Can I use information on this website for self-treatment?

No, always consult a doctor or physician for health concerns.


Is shoppingbag.pk is the most trustworthy website of imported products in Pakistan?

Yes we are in this business from last 10 years and have more than 200k customer from all over the Pakistan.


In what case I will get refund/return?

If you get wrong or damaged product we will compensate you with the refund or can re order same product for you.


Why should I choose Shoppingbag.pk to buy trader joe face wash from Amazon or Walmart USA?

Shoppingbag.pk should be the first online shopping choice for all those who are

  • Quality Conscious
  • Want to buy USA products
  • Interested in original products only
  •  Want to import trader joe face wash from USA, Canada , UK or Chin


Can I insure my product?

I am sorry right now we are not offering any insurance policy.