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Frequently Asked Questions:

Technical detail available on shoppingbag.pk is replacement of professional advice?

No, it's for reference only. Consult with right more technical person before to use.


What if I have technical questions?

We are not technical people, we just import products and share with you. In case of technical question either you can directly ask from vendor or we can post your question at your behalf. If we get any response we will share with your right away.


Do you offer returns & exchange?

We have no product exchange policy. Yes! If you get wrong product or if product not working properly, you can return it within 3 days of delivery.


What is your refund policy?

In case your refund approve we try to make sure it within 7 days.


Do you ship orders all cross the Pakistan?

Yes, we ship in almost all the cities of Pakistan using famous courier & logistic services of Pakistan.


Can this product be returned if I am not satisfied?

You return product in case one of the following condition meet

  • You have received wrong product.
  • Product is not working
  • Product you have received is broken


What should I do if I have technical questions about a product?

You can contact with the vendor or manufacturer for additional information.


Are dietary supplements evaluated by any regulatory body?

The FDA does not evaluate statements about dietary supplements so make sure doctor opinion before to order.