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Frequently Asked Questions:

Why should I choose Shoppingbag.pk to buy faber castell sharpner from Amazon or Walmart USA?

Shoppingbag.pk should be the first online shopping choice for all those who are

  • Quality Conscious
  • Want to buy USA products
  • Interested in original products only
  •  Want to import faber castell sharpner from USA, Canada , UK or Chin


How can I ensure the accuracy and authenticity of product?

Always read reviews, comments, warnings, and directions available on product detail page of Amazon.


What are the Best Shopping Store of USA to purchase faber castell sharpner?

We try to buy from the best online shopping stores of USA e.g. Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc. to make sure authenticity of end product.


What if I have technical questions?

We are not technical people, we just import products and share with you. In case of technical question either you can directly ask from vendor or we can post your question at your behalf. If we get any response we will share with your right away.


Do you ship orders all cross the Pakistan?

Yes, we ship in almost all the cities of Pakistan using famous courier & logistic services of Pakistan.


What is the purpose of the information on this site?

It's for reference and informational purposes only.


What is the estimated delivery time for this product?

We do our best to deliver product in 3 to 4 weeks but there could be few special reasons which could make the shipment bit late.


How do I clean/maintain this product?

To get any kind of technical detail about product installation, maintenance or operation you need to contact with the manufacturer of product. We are not technical person so can’t provide any kind of assistance.