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Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I have technical questions?

We are not technical people, we just import products and share with you. In case of technical question either you can directly ask from vendor or we can post your question at your behalf. If we get any response we will share with your right away.


Can this product be returned if I am not satisfied?

You return product in case one of the following condition meet

  • You have received wrong product.
  • Product is not working
  • Product you have received is broken


What are the Best Shopping Store of USA to purchase ruffles sour?

We try to buy from the best online shopping stores of USA e.g. Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc. to make sure authenticity of end product.


Can I use information on this website for self-treatment?

No, always consult a doctor or physician for health concerns.


How can I ensure the safety of using a product?

Consult with a professional and follow the instructions provided.


How I will check authenticity of my product?

We always try to buy products using Amazon USA from the brands or official resellers. In case of any confusion we can share amazon or eBay order ID with you so you can check with them directly.


How can I ensure the accuracy and authenticity of product?

Always read reviews, comments, warnings, and directions available on product detail page of Amazon.


How I will place my order on shoppingbag.pk?

 On all product pages you get two buttons to place your order 

  • Order Now
  • Add to Cart 

If you just want to quickly place your order just click on Order Now button and provide basic contact us detail  and done  otherwise you also have  add to cart option so can place your order at your ease.