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  • REECHO 20" 1-Pack 3/4 Full Head Curly Wave Clips in on Synthetic Hair

REECHO 20" 1-Pack 3/4 Full Head Curly Wave Clips in on Synthetic Hair Extensions Hairpieces for Women 5 Clips 4.5 Oz per Piece - Linen

Product Code: S00DDXCV78

Product weight: 0.35 Pounds

Our Price: 6,898 PKR

Important : This product will take 3 to 4 weeks to delivery at your doorstep.

product description:

1.Comb your hair with a brush that has soft bristles or a comb with wire pin just before you wash it. This releases any tangles. It is best not to comb from top to ends one time if the hair is a curly style.
2.Wet your hair with lukewarm water. Hot water may be more comfortable, but it deteriorates the synthetic hair fibers and shortens the extensions lifespan.Do not attempt to brush your synthetic hair extensions when they are wet.
3.Lather the hair and extensions with a mild shampoo without a bunch of unpronounceable chemicals as ingredients. All-natural is best.
4.Rinse the shampoo out of hair extensions. Use a hair conditioner that is very oily, like a deep conditioning treatment. Rinse off 90% but leave just a little in, to prevent tangling.
5.Towel-dry your hair as best you can and then allow nature to finish the process. Do not blow dry, this will cause a lot of useless tangles that will ruin your extensions.

1.Divide your hair into two sections. If your hair is very thin, Use a comb to gently tease the lower half of your hair in one-inch sections. This will help keep the extensions securely in place.
2.Open the clips on your extensions. Align the tops of the hair extensions with the horizontal part you have made, and gently push down to snap the clips into place.
3.Release the top section of your hair. Gently tousle to blend your natural hair with the clip-on extensions.
4.Finish your hair style. Tease your hair at the roots and brush out the top layer so that it is smooth. Your clip-in extensions should be completely blended so that you cannot see them at the roots of your locks.

Product Info:
Materials: 100% Top Heat Resistant Kanekalon Fiber and Metal clip with rubber silicone
Weight: Approx 4.6 Oz including clips per piece
Length: Approx 20 inches without streching

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