042-37-802-297 042-37-814-140
Workring Hours: (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
Shoppingbag.pk is devoted to make the online shopping website accessible for the people having any disability. The highly competent developers of the e-shop ensure that all the visitors can have the equal opportunity of having best user experience. The visitor having any sort of disability, such as visual impairment, blindness, speech impediment, deaf, mental dysfunction, etc. can take the assistance for accessing the services provided by Shoppingbag.pk.
Take following steps to improve accessibility:
· Website design contains correct ratio of contrasting colors.
· Apt images, non-textual visual elements, and assistive technology supported text are available in design.
· Website header contains the skip navigation links
· Online shop supports assistive technology gadgets, such as screen readers.
· Provides Form labels, directions, and appropriate cue relationships
· Gives Data table markup with hierarchical tabular relationships
· The design and features of website is focusing on order of navigation element.
· Each of the website pages has semantically appropriate structure elements.
Shoppingbag.pk team is continuously scrutinizing the accessibility requirements and trying to improve the assistive technology features on website. Visitor can ask any query or give any suggestion by contacting our customer service department, sale@shoppingbag.pk.