We buy all goods directly from Amazon and other leading international websites after the customer's request. Thus, the direct source is the USA or UK, but the product's origin may be China, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, India, etc. Amazon actually enables vendors around the globe to enlist and sell their products through Amazon online shopping platform. Hence, you can find the largest variety of products there, originated from different corners of the world.

All Product details, such as expiry date, manufacturer detail, batch number, ingredients, etc., are mentioned on the Amazon product page. So, you can check it from there. If you want to get any technical information regarding your required product, then you can search about the product on Google. We do not have any technical team for any product, so we will not recommend any product.

We do not provide any refund or return for not liking the received product. We ensure you about the originality of the products, but we import it on your request. Thus, if the product does not meet your expectation, then you do not have the choice to return it on this basis. However, if the wrong product or damaged product arrived at your doorstep, then claim return within 3 days after receiving the product. For more information, read our Return Policy.

If your ordered product is available in our stock, then you will get the product within 4 to 5 working days. You can directly view our in-stock products on our website to enjoy a quick home delivery service.

The non-confirmed prices are mentioned with the product. We quote the final price of the product at the time of confirmation the order because the prices fluctuate at Amazon. Moreover, we use the Forex.pk open market rate of +1 PKR per dollar for price conversion. The net price of the product includes standard shipping cost, international custom duty, tariffs charges, taxes, import charges, and Shoppingbag.pk service charges. Once you choose your required product and order for it, we will provide the details of the shipment and final converted price in PKR.

We take almost 4 to 5 weeks to import products from Amazon USA to Pakistan. However, the delivery time could also delay due to some unforeseen circumstances, such as weather conditions, shipment delay, Vendor delay, unavailability of products, etc. We actually ship products from Amazon to the USA, then the USA to Pakistan at our head office, and then dispatch to you at your doorstep. The process is made simple for you with just an online order to your doorstep, and it goes through all of these steps to provide you the stuff as soon as possible. In the case of a delayed order, you cannot cancel your order because your product would be in the process of import.