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Frequently Asked Questions:

Why cash on delivery (COD) option is not there in the payment methods?

Since we import products from USA, Canada or UK so we believe our buyers are very seriously and quality conscious people. We spent so much effort and time to bring the products from Western countries to Pakistan and there is no way to cancel or return the products. To make sure end user is serious we just take 30% advance and rest once you get your product at your door step.


Can I place my order from outside of Pakistan?

Yes! you can do until or unless you can deposit 30% advance using one of our payment methods you can place order from anywhere of world.


Do I need an Account to Shop on Shoppingbag.pk?

No you can use “Order Now” button for quick order on Shoppingbag.pk


Can I insure my product?

I am sorry right now we are not offering any insurance policy.


How do I clean/maintain this product?

To get any kind of technical detail about product installation, maintenance or operation you need to contact with the manufacturer of product. We are not technical person so can’t provide any kind of assistance.


Can this product be returned if I am not satisfied?

You return product in case one of the following condition meet

  • You have received wrong product.
  • Product is not working
  • Product you have received is broken


Are your products original?

Yes, you will get 100% original and authenticated products.


Are dietary supplements evaluated by any regulatory body?

The FDA does not evaluate statements about dietary supplements so make sure doctor opinion before to order.