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Frequently Asked Questions:

My product can be delay?

Our estimated delivery time is 3 to 4 weeks but there could be reason which make delivery further late e.g. 

  • Bad weather in USA or Pakistan
  • Flight delays
  • National holidays in USA
  • Customs clearance procedures in Pakistan
  • Natural Calamities
  • Few unforeseen circumstances


Can I use information on this website for self-treatment?

No, always consult a doctor or physician for health concerns.


Can this product be returned if I am not satisfied?

You return product in case one of the following condition meet

  • You have received wrong product.
  • Product is not working
  • Product you have received is broken


From where you buy gizmomix?

We buy products from well-known USA websites like Amazon, Walmart, eBay etc.


What if I have technical questions?

We are not technical people, we just import products and share with you. In case of technical question either you can directly ask from vendor or we can post your question at your behalf. If we get any response we will share with your right away.


How can I ensure the safety of using a product?

Consult with a professional and follow the instructions provided.


Can I insure my product?

I am sorry right now we are not offering any insurance policy.


Do you offer returns & exchange?

We have no product exchange policy. Yes! If you get wrong product or if product not working properly, you can return it within 3 days of delivery.